Sunday 3 January 2016

What to Watch Jan-Mar 2016

Now I know some people go to the cinema every week but what should you watch, Here is your breakdown for the UK Jan to March:
Week 1: 1-7 jan
Nothing is opening because of Star Wars so probably go see that again

Week 2: 8-14 jan
New Releases:
    Image result for danish girl
  • Joy
  • The Danish Girl 
Personally I would go see The Danish Girl, The story of the first ever transsexual, but maybe that is just because I love Alicia Vikander. It is however the better reviewed of the 2.
Joy is the Jenifer Lawrence Oscar contender with Bradley Cooper and director David O Russell, It is however less well reviewed then their previous outings.

Week 3: 15-21 jan
New Releases:
  • Creed
  • Room
  • The Hateful 8
  • The Reverent
This is the most stacked week in here, all of these movies have a good shot at an Oscar nomination.
Creed - The a squeal to Rocky, and a worthy successor.
Room - A heartfelt mother and son story 
The Hateful 8 - The next Quentin Tarantino film, a suspense filled western drama, set like a stage play
The Reverent - The follow up for last years oscar wining director and best picture. Staring Leonardo Dicaprio during the western invasion of north america.

My personal pick is The Hateful 8 especially if you can find a cinema playing it in 70mm. However The Reverent is some peoples favorite film of last year. Creed is great too. But at some point you should see all four.

Week 4: 22-28 jan
Image result for Hateful 8
The Hateful 8
New Releases: 
  • Ride Along 2
  • The 5th Wave
  • The Big Short 
The Big short is good fun, enticing and interesting. However I would say watch one of last weeks films.

Week 5: 29 jan - 4 feb
New releases:
  • 13 Hours
  • Dirty Grandpa
  • Spotlight
Spotlight defiantly Spotlight go see Spotlight

Week 6: 5-11 feb
New Releases:
  • Dads Army
  • Goosebumps 
Add your spice of British good fun and go see Dad's Army or Goosbumps is good fun for the whole family.

Week 7: 12-18 feb
New Releases:
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  • Chipmunks 
  • Deadpool
  • Point Break
  • Pride and Prejudice and Zombies
  • Zoolander 2
Deadpool should be the film to see, though I do have hopes for Pride and Prejudice and Zombies to be good. Steer clear of point break and chipmunks.

Week 8: 19 - 25 feb
New Releases:
  • The Finest Hours
  • Triple 9
Both these films look great, wait for reviews on these. Or just see both?

Week 9: 26 feb - 3 mar
New Releases:
  • Gods of Egypt
  • Grimsby
 Yer watch the one you didn't watch last week. But who knows one of these might be good, I wouldn't hold your breath.

Image result for hail caesar poster
Week 10: 4 - 10 mar
New Releases:
  • Hail, Caesar!
  • London Has Fallen
  • Whiskey Tango Foxtrot
Hail, Ceasar looks great, the next film form the Coen Brothers. But London Has Fallen, the sequal to Olympus has fallen could be ok and the last one ... I would watch anything with Margot Robbie in it, an Afgan war comedy is an interesting film choice.

Week 11: 11 - 17 mar
New Releases
  • Divergent
  • Kung Fu Panda 3 
Well out of the two, Kung Fu Panda.

Week 12: 18-24 mar
New Releases
  • High-Risen
Never heard of it who knows, maybe look back to week 10.

Week 13: 25 -31 mar
New Releases
  • Batman v Superman
  • Zootropolis
End the Winter ... Spring ?( well summer movie season stars in April now so who really knows.) End the Spring movie season with a bang and go see Batman v Superman, it will be great ... probably.
Zootropolis is then next film from Disney animation, a studio that is 3 for 3 since John Lasseter took over.

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