Thursday 19 July 2012

FILM GALLERY - "The Dark Knight Rises" Stills

If you didn't know (and why not?!) Christopher Nolan's epic conclusion to his Batman saga, The Dark Knight Rises, is released this weekend. Here's a selection of stills from the movie to celebrate...

Tom Hardy as villain Bane

Bane vs Batman

Bane vs Batman again

A close-up of Bane's mask

The Dark Knight  on his trusty steed

Christian Bale and Michael Caine's response when Warner Bros. suggest another sequel

Bruce Wayne (Christian Bale) and Selina Kyle (Anne Hathaway)

"You want me to wear that?!"

Director Christopher Nolan on set of TDKR

Nolan again

Levitt tells Oldman that he's actually in a dream within a dream...within a dream...

Morgan Freeman as Lucius Fox

Marion Cotillard as Miranda Tate

Anne Hathaway as Selina Kyle aka Catwoman

The Tumbler reeks havoc on the streets of Gotham
On a scale of 1 to my-head's-about-to-explode, how excited are you for TDKR? Let us know in the comments...
Tom :)

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