Monday 16 July 2012

MUSIC NEWS - "Barcelona" Special Edition, Green Day Single

You may have noticed that I was away last week, hence why Kieron had written everything, and their was hardly any music news. But I'm back, and boy have I got news for you!

Freddie Mercury's Barcelona Will Be Re-Orchestrated For 25th Anniversary Edition
Island Records have announced that a special edition of Freddie Mercury and Montserrat CaballĂ©'s album Barcelona will be released on the 3rd Spetember 2012. Barcelona was the final piece of solo work Mercury completed before he died, and this special version will include an entirely re-orchestrated version of the song that remains to be one of his defining works.
For more on this story, click here.
Follow the links to pre-order this album on CD/Deluxe/Vinyl.

In other Queen news, the smash-hit stage show We Will Rock You is set to do it's first arena tour next year to celebrate the show's 10 years at the Dominion Theatre in London. If you get the opportunity, I would really recommend the show. It is a fantastic tribute to Queen and is also very funny and entertaining.

Green Day's Oh Love Released Today
As of today, the new single Oh Love from the album ¡Uno! is available to download from the official Green Day site. Also, all three albums in the upcoming trilogy ¡Uno!, ¡Dos!, ¡TrĂ©! are now available to pre-order.

Richie Sambora Free Download
For those of you who aren't familiar with the name, Richie Sambora is the lead guitarist in the classic rock band Bon Jovi. On Thursday, we got our first look at his upcoming solo album Aftermath of the Lowdown when the first single, Every Road Leads Home To You, was released. Click here to download it for free. I love it! Sounds like a merging of Bon Jovi and Coldplay. Can't wait for September 18th when the whole album is released!

That's all for this week.
Tom :)

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