Thursday 26 July 2012

FILM NEWS - "The Dark Knight Rises" Shooting, "Jurassic Park 4" In 2014, and "Man Of Steel" and "Life Of Pi" Trailers

Sorry posting has been a bit on and off next week, and unfortunately it will be even less frequent next week. But after that we will bring you right up to date with eeverything you need to know thats been happening over the last month, with lots of reviews and bonus stuff! Anyways, film news...

The Dark Knight Rises Shooting
You have probably heard about the shooting that took place at a midnight showing of Christopher Nolan's The Dark Knight Rises. 12 people were killed and over 50 injured. Our consolations from Crash Hub go out to the victims and their loved ones at this tragic time. 

Jurassic Park 4 in 2014?
In an interview with, Frank Marshall (Steven Spielberg's longtime producer buddy) said that Jurassic Park 4 "will be on the screen within two years". This seems to match with the time-frame Spielberg announced at last years Comic-Con, so is it possible that the long-awaited sequel is so close? Do people even want a fourth film in the franchise? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.
For more on this story, click here.

Man Of Steel Teaser Is Online
The first trailer for the hugely anticipated Superman reboot, Man Of Steel, has finally hit the net. The film, which is directed by 300's Zack Snyder, will star Henry Cavill in the lead role and will be released next year.
Judging by the trailer, Christopher Nolan seems to have injected some of his superhero-realism as the producer. No tell-tale Zack Snyder slow-mo yet, but I'm sure we won't be disappointed when the movie does come round. Also, loving the Hans Zimmer music, as always.
Who's excited about Man Of Steel? Get commenting!

First Trailer For Ang Lee's Life Of Pi
Also in trailer news, the first trailer has also emerged for the upcoming film Life Of Pi, which will be released in December.
If you want to see more of Life Of Pi, a preview clip is being played before some films in Odeon cinemas. I have seen it before The Amazing Spider-Man, and it's...odd. But I won't spoil it for you here.

Happy Birthday!
Birthday wishes to Daniel Radcliffe, everyones favourite Harry!

So there we go. Alot of stuff to keep you interested there, let us know your thoughts in the comments. Unfortunately we don't have a Crunch for this week, but we hope to get one to you soon. See you next week...
Tom :) 

1 comment:

  1. Both trailers have boats in them, what a coincidence!
