Thursday 12 July 2012

FILM REVIEW - Chronicle (Spoiler-free)

Directed by: Josh Trank
Written by: Max Landis
Starring: Dane DeHaan, Alex Russell, Michael B. Jordan
Release Year: 2012
Genre: Sci-Fi/Thriller/Drama
Certificate: 12A

This is a film about 3 guys who get superpowers, and that is all I'm telling you! Trailer here:
I went into this movie knowing nothing of the story line except what I told you above and watching the trailer. This is a good idea as it changes mood throughout the film. The start went slower then I would have liked and maybe even bored me, but it was only short and was bearable. The film built up drama and anticipation well and had an excellent ending. This was aided by starting with a cheaply shot, "boy-films-himself-and-friends" style to suddenly a massive budget ending.

Now on this idea of "boy-films-himself" theme. This could have been done to make the film cheaper, but I really liked it. When he wasn't the one with a camera it was someone else's camera or a security camera or something. However if you start with this style Mr Director, stick with it and don't put random parts that are just filmed normally. Also there is a part where one of the characters brings a load of phones and tablets and stuff around him which is a bit random and draws away from the atmosphere and then it is still filmed with a really good film camera. Personally I would prefer it if it was from the cameras of the devices.

When the film finished I was left really wanting to know what happened after! There could easily be a good sequel of this as there are still unanswered questions.


Kieron :O

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