Thursday 19 July 2012

FILM NEWS - Superhero News

The Dark Knight Rises Review Round-Up
We are very close now to the release of Christopher Nolan's final Batman film, The Dark Knight Rises. Some lucky reviewers have seen it all ready (*envy*). Overall conclusion? It's pretty insane!
For a full review round-up, visit Den of Geek.
For a collection of stills from the movie, click here.

Marvel Dominates Comic-Con
Let's take it film by film...

This logo was released at Comic-Con. It's a shame that this wasn't given an epic title, but hey, it's good for consistencies sake. It has been confirmed that Ben Kingsley will be playing the main villain in this film, The Mandarin. It is also confirmed that another villain appearing in the  film will be Iron Patriot. This has come as a surprise to alot of people as Iron Patriot is normally associated with Spider-man. In the original Marvel comics, Iron Patriot is another alias of Norman Osborne a.k.a. The Green Goblin. Could this mean the new film The Amazing Spider-Man is to be incorporated into the combined Marvel universe? Because of copyright reasons, we think it's unlikely.

The upcoming Thor film now has a proper name and a release date! The name doesn't really tell us anything about the film, but it sounds cool. Add this to your diaries.

Captain America 2 was also given a name and release date at Comic-Con. Unlike the first film, The Winter Soldier will be set in modern day. This title also tells us who the villain will be in the film, as the Winter Soldier in the comics was none other than James "Bucky" Barnes.

It is confirmed, the other big Marvel film of 2014 will be Guardians of the Galaxy. Most people believe (but it hasn't been confirmed) that the film will exist in the same universe as all the above and will be used to introduce Thanos, the villain who appeared at the end of The Avengers and who is likely to be the main antagonist in The Avengers 2.

And finally, Marvel  surprised us all by announcing that Edgar Wright's Ant-Man has got the green light. No release date has yet been pinned on it, but at least we now know it will definately happen. I'm very excited!

Man Of Steel Poster
At Comic-Con, director Zack Snyder unveiled this poster for upcoming Super-Man reboot Man Of Steel. Snyder also announced that a teaser for the film had been tagged onto the reel for The Dark Knight Rises, which opens this weekend.

Which of these superhero films are you most looking forward to? Mine's Ant-Man! Let us know your thoughts in the comments...
Tom :)

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