Thursday 23 August 2012

FILM REVIEW - Limitless (Spoiler-free)

Directed by: Neil Burger
Written by: Leslie Dixon (based on the novel by Alan Glynn)
Starring: Bradley Cooper, Abbie Cornish, Robert De Niro
Genre: Mystery/Sci-Fi/Thriller
Certificate: 15
Release Year: 2011

Limitless is the story of failed writer Edward Morra (Cooper). Morra's life seems to be failing; he can't put any words on paper, he's living in a dilapidated flat and his girlfriend has left him. But then an old aquaintance gives him a drug, a drug that allows him to use not just the usual 5%, but the full 100% of his brain. Suddenly he's a literary genius, a martial arts master and cracks a formula that allows him to near enough control the stock exchange. But people become suspicious of his powers, and soon he is being hunted down for the secret. And at the same time, the full effects of the drug begin to take hold.

Limitless is unique. The plot is clever and fast paced. A lot of thrillers nowadays get bogged down in making the story too confusing, but this doesn't do that. While surprising twists are offered, they are straight-forward and neat.

The other thing that sets Limitless apart is how it looks visually. The "on-drugs" sequences are mind-blowing. Varying light levels and on-screen text and animations are used to great effect to give the viewer nearly the full effect of the drug. There is also camera-work in here to rival that of The Matrix films, in particular the "street-zoom" sequences and the use of time-lapse. Everything about it is original.

This doesn't make the film flawless though. My first niggle is that the film was plugged largely as a Cooper/De Niro double...which it isn' all. This is entirely Cooper's film, with De Niro as a background character. I'm not being negative about their performances, Cooper produces one of his best here, but it's just been publicised wrong, no doubt to take advantage of De Niro's fame.

The other problem is the ending. It seems as if the makers had a great idea for a film, but no idea how to bring it to a satisfying conclusion. The film builds up, and...well yeah, the film builds up, and that's about it.

Overall, I really enjoyed this, but the lack of a satisfying denouement left a bit miffed. Well worth watching though as it's very impressive cinematically.


To buy Limitless from amazon, click here.

Tom :)

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