Tuesday 28 August 2012

TV NEWS - Lots of 'Who', and a Little Bit of 'Sherlock'

Lots of Who News!
Something Doctor Who is very good at is releasing lots and lots of trailers that all show the same thing. And we have another one for you, showing all the same scenes you've already seen from the first episode, Asylum of the Daleks. However, what this new trailer does have, and about time too, is a return to Murray Gold's theme I Am The Doctor, which was established in the soundtrack of series 5, and was used nowhere near enough in series 6.
Now forget about the Daleks briefly, because we also have photos from this year's Christmas special. You can see them in our gallery here.
And finally, we have a release date for the new series! Asylum of the Daleks will air on the 1st September. To view our full episode guide to the new series, click here.
And The BBC are releasing a mini online series of teasers leading up to the start every day see episode 1 here!

Sherlock Hints
Last year, Sherlock show-runners released the words "Adler, Hound and Reichenbach" as hints to what each episode could include. And they've done the same this year; "Rat, Wedding, Bow". It seems they're a bit more cryptic this time round, so I'll speculate in this weeks Crunch. Look out for it on Friday!

What do you think of the Sherlock clues? Let us know in the comments.
Tom :)

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