Tuesday 31 July 2012

TV NEWS - New Dracula Series, "Merlin" Trailer, "Family Guy" In The UK, "Life On Mars" E-Books

Dracula On It's Way To Sky Living
After years of tepid supernaturals and non-existant facial expressions, The Twilight Saga is finally ending. So it's unsurprising that a new vampire series is moving in to take it's place, and it's in the form of a new adaptation of Bram Stoker's 1897 novel Dracula. Jonathan Rhys Meyers (The Tudors) is set to play the title role. We'll keep updating you when we learn more.

BBC Release Trailer For Series 5 Of Merlin
The new trailer for the upcoming series of Merlin has been shown on BBC channels. The trailer confirms that the series will return to BBC 1 this autumn.
To me, the trailer doesn't really look very interesting. The show is called Merlin, yet there seems to be more emphasis on Arthur and Gwen. Having said that, loving the Muse!

New Series Of Family Guy In UK
On Sunday, the first episode of the new series of the hit American comedy Family Guy was aired on BBC 3. If you missed the episode you can catch it on BBC iPlayer. If you didn't, tell us what you thought of it in the comments.

Life On Mars E-Books
Earlier this month, author Tom Graham announced that he would be writing four novels based on the hit 2005 TV series Life On Mars. The stories will feature the characters Sam Tyler and Gene Hunt, as played by John Simm and Philip Glenister in the original series, and will carry on where the final series left off. Maybe they will bridge the gap between Life On Mars and its sister series Ashes To Ashes?
For the official announcement, click here.

Misfits Series 4 Pictures
Channel 4 have released some promotional pictures for the new series of supernatural comedy-drama Misfits. Click here to have a look at our gallery.

There's all the TV news, see you next week.
Tom :)

TV GALLERY - Misfits Series 4 Promo Pictures

We love Misfits, and we're very excited about the new series. Have a look at some new pictures.
Nathan Stewart-Jarrett, Karla Crome, Nathan McMullen and Joe Gilgun

Monday 30 July 2012

MUSIC NEWS - The Killers Single, Bob Marley Exhibition, Elbow Tour and Lots Of Pre-Ordering

The Killers Release Runaways
This week The Killers released their first track, Runaways, from the upcoming album Battle Born. Personally, I think it's a good song, but doesn't quite make it back to the standard of the golden era of Hot Fuss.
What do you think of the new single? Let us know in the comments.

Bob Marley Exhibition Opens
An exhibition that celebrates the life and music of reggae star Bob Marley has opened at the O2 in London. Messenger: The Bob Marley Exhibition is part of a celebration of Jamaican music at the O2 and is open until 22nd October.
For more information on the exhibition, including booking tickets, click here.

Tickets For Elbow's Arena Tour
Tickets have gone on sale for Elbow's arena tour later this year. The tour will visit Nottingham, Birmingham, Liverpool, Manchester and London
For more details, click here.

Muse's The 2nd Law Available To Pre-Order
The upcoming Muse album is now available to pre-order from from the band's website. The 2nd Law will be released on the 17th September.
To pre-order your copy, click here.

Diana Krall Releases New Single
Diana Krall is currently one of the biggest women on the modern jazz scene. Her new single, There Ain't No Man That's Worth The Salt Of My Tears, has been released. The single is the first release from her upcoming album Glad Rag Doll, which will be released on October 1st.
To download There Ain't No Man That's Worth The Salt Of My Tears from iTunes, click here.
To pre-order Glad Rag Doll, click here.

Green Day's ¡Uno! ¡Dos! ¡Tré! Trilogy Pre-Order
We've heard alot about this trilogy, and the whole bundle is now available to pre-order from Green Day's website.
To pre-order, click here.

Happy Birthday!
Bit of a Queen party with both Roger Taylor (63) and Brian May (65) celebrating their Birthdays. Best wishes from Crash Hub!

There's all the music, see you next week
Tom :)

Thursday 26 July 2012

FILM REVIEW - The Amazing Spider-Man

Directed by: Marc Webb
Written by: James Vanderbilt, Alvin Sargent, Steve Kloves (based on the comics by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko)
Starring: Andrew Garfield, Emma Stone, Rhys Ifans
Genre: Action/Sci-Fi(ish)
Certificate: 12A
Release Year: 2012

The Amazing Spider-Man is named wrong. A better suited name would be The Slightly Above Average Spider-Man, or the The Just Managing To Step Above Mediocrity Spider-Man. Admittedly, these titles don't have the same ring to them...

From the outset, this film had alot of potential. It had the lizard (which hadn't been done in the original trilogy) and it had Andrew Garfield. But above all, it aimed to reinvent the Spidey franchise as a teen movie series, I didn't mind the first two being kids movies, but Spider-Man 3 was painfully childish.

So let's take these factors individually. The lizard looked fantastic, and Rhys Ifans did a brilliant job playing him and his human version, Dr. Curt Connors. He was definately one of the most believable characters, which is no mean feat considering he was playing a crazy scientist who injected himself with reptile juice and turned into Godzilla.

Andrew Garfield - again brilliant. He had a hard act to follow after Tobey Maguire hung up the skin-tight red and blue suit, but has certainly lived up to expectation. I've been a fan of Garfield since seeing The Social Network. This isn't because I enjoyed The Social Network - watching it was like having my eyes gouged out with a pair of gardening sheers - but because Garfield's performance made the film nearly bearable. Good job.

Finally, the change of target audience.Or the confusion over whether there was one? To some extent, The Amazing Spider-Man did feel more like a teen movie in that it focused alot on school life and thee romance between Peter Parker and Gwen Stacey (Emma Stone). But, in all honesty, this was handled quite High School Musical-y, and the level of violence wasn't very different to the original film which left me confused about how this had earned a 12A certificate.

So, was it worth rebooting the Spider-Man franchise? I have to say yes, but not on the merits of this film, but more on the downfall of Spider-Man 3. This new interpretation is pretty similar to it's predecessor, but because of this it still retains the same satire and playfulness that made the other series so popular.


What did you think of The Amazing Spider-Man? Let us know in the comments...
Tom :) 

FILM NEWS - "The Dark Knight Rises" Shooting, "Jurassic Park 4" In 2014, and "Man Of Steel" and "Life Of Pi" Trailers

Sorry posting has been a bit on and off next week, and unfortunately it will be even less frequent next week. But after that we will bring you right up to date with eeverything you need to know thats been happening over the last month, with lots of reviews and bonus stuff! Anyways, film news...

The Dark Knight Rises Shooting
You have probably heard about the shooting that took place at a midnight showing of Christopher Nolan's The Dark Knight Rises. 12 people were killed and over 50 injured. Our consolations from Crash Hub go out to the victims and their loved ones at this tragic time. 

Jurassic Park 4 in 2014?
In an interview with collider.com, Frank Marshall (Steven Spielberg's longtime producer buddy) said that Jurassic Park 4 "will be on the screen within two years". This seems to match with the time-frame Spielberg announced at last years Comic-Con, so is it possible that the long-awaited sequel is so close? Do people even want a fourth film in the franchise? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.
For more on this story, click here.

Man Of Steel Teaser Is Online
The first trailer for the hugely anticipated Superman reboot, Man Of Steel, has finally hit the net. The film, which is directed by 300's Zack Snyder, will star Henry Cavill in the lead role and will be released next year.
Judging by the trailer, Christopher Nolan seems to have injected some of his superhero-realism as the producer. No tell-tale Zack Snyder slow-mo yet, but I'm sure we won't be disappointed when the movie does come round. Also, loving the Hans Zimmer music, as always.
Who's excited about Man Of Steel? Get commenting!

First Trailer For Ang Lee's Life Of Pi
Also in trailer news, the first trailer has also emerged for the upcoming film Life Of Pi, which will be released in December.
If you want to see more of Life Of Pi, a preview clip is being played before some films in Odeon cinemas. I have seen it before The Amazing Spider-Man, and it's...odd. But I won't spoil it for you here.

Happy Birthday!
Birthday wishes to Daniel Radcliffe, everyones favourite Harry!

So there we go. Alot of stuff to keep you interested there, let us know your thoughts in the comments. Unfortunately we don't have a Crunch for this week, but we hope to get one to you soon. See you next week...
Tom :) 

Tuesday 24 July 2012

TV NEWS - Emmy Award Nominations and Red Dwarf X Trailer

British TV In Emmy Nominations
Alot of British shows have made the cut in the Emmys. Here's our round-up:
ITV's Downton Abbey has recieved 5 nominations:
 - Outstanding Lead Actress In A Drama Series (Michelle Dockery)
 - Outstanding Lead Actor In A Drama Series (Hugh Bonneville)
 - Outstanding Supporting Actress In A Drama Series (Maggie Smith and Joanna Froggatt)
 - Outstanding Director For A Drama Series (Brian Percival)
 - Outstanding Writing For A Drama Series (Julian Fellowes)

Channel 4's Shameless has recieved 1 nomination:
 - Outstanding Guest Actress In A Drama Series (Joan Cusack)

BBC's Luther has recieved 4 nominations:
 - Outstanding Miniseries Or Movie
 - Outstanding Lead Actor In A Miniseries Or Movie (Idris Elba)
 - Outstanding Directing For A Miniseries, Movie Or A Dramatic Special (Sam Miller)
 - Outstanding Writing For A Miniseries, Movie Or A Dramatic Special (Neil Cross)

BBC's Sherlock has recieved 5 nominations:
 - Outstanding Miniseries Or Movie (A Scandal In Belgravia)
 - Outstanding Lead Actor In A Miniseries Or Movie (Benedict Cumberbatch)
 - Outstanding Supporting Actor In A Miniseries Or Movie (Martin Freeman)
 - Outstanding Directing For A Miniseries, Movie Or A Dramatic Special (Paul McGuigan)
 - Outstanding Writing For A Miniseries, Movie Or A Dramatic Special (Steven Moffat)

BBC's The Hour recieved 1 nomination:
 - Outstanding Writing For A Miniseries, Movie Or A Dramatic Special (Abi Morgan)

What are your predictions/hopes? Let us know in the comments
For the full list of nominations, click here.

Trailer For Red Dwarf X
A trailer has been released for the new series of the hit comedy Red Dwarf.
This series (which will be tenth series of Red Dwarf) will be aired on Dave. Looking forward to it? Let us know in the comments...

That's all for this week. No games news tomorrow, but we will have film news on Thursday, as well as a review of The Amazing Spider-Man. See you then...
Tom :)

Monday 23 July 2012

MUSIC REVIEW - The Future Is Medieval

Artist: Kaiser Chiefs
Genre: Alternative Rock
Release Year: 2011
Label: Fiction (Polydor)/Universal Music Group

Been a little while since I last wrote a music review, so here's a little something.

I wasn't getting my hopes up about this album. I used to be a huge Kaiser Chiefs fan back in the days of Employment and Yours Truly, Angry Mob. But the synthesized bog of Off With Their Heads nearly made me give up on the band. But I bought this album, just in case.

I'm glad I did.

It had been three years since the Chiefs' previous album, and it seems they needed this time to find their bearings. But instead of returning completely to the solid rock of their early years (like I hoped they would), they took this and mixed it with a puzzling new psychedelic style. It's Bowie meets Floyd meets Nirvana...with a dash of LSD.

The album opens with Little Shocks, which is one of my favourite Chiefs tracks ever. It's a perfect example of how the band have developed their old sound with new modal scales. It's a massive fanfare, and possibly the best opener of 2011.

Unfortunately, the album loses this momentum nearly straight away with Things Change - an 80s Bowie tune that has been sieved through a dog. But the third track does pick up the shattered remains and builds an explosive chorus in Long Way From Celebrating.

The album continues to bounce from both extremes for the rest of it's 13 tracks. But for the first time, a Kaiser Chiefs album provides us with variety. Oasis influences come through in Child Of The Jago and even Katy Perry can be heard in Starts With Nothing. The strong, guitar-led ideologies of Employment and Angry Mob drop in for Kinda Girl You Are and Dead Or In Serious Trouble, and Florence + The Machine can be heard in Out Of Focus. If The Future Is Medieval is anything, it's unpredictable.

It also has the first hidden track that I have ever enjoyed. Wait 20 minutes after If You Will Have Me and you will be delivered one of the coolest rock instrumentals since records began. According to Wikipedia, it's called Howlaround. Says it all really.

Other than the odd duff track, my only other criticism would be that most of the lyrics leave alot to be desired, "It starts with nothing, and it ends in nothing/you start with nothing, you leave with nothing" etc. Yeah, we get it.

Not bad at all. The Future Is Medieval is a fantastic revival for the Kaiser Chiefs, and possibly the most impressive resurrection since Jesus.


What's your favourite Kaiser Chiefs song? Let us know in the comments...
Tom :)

MUSIC NEWS - Labrinth Single Pre-order, Elbow Announce B-Sides Collection, Queen Announce Concert Movie

Labrinth's New Single Treatment Is Available For Pre-Order
Treatment, the new single from hip-hop musician Labrinth is now available to pre-order from iTunes before it's release on August 26th. The single is taken from his album Electronic Earth.
Click here to pre-order.

Elbow Announce B-Sides Album
Last Wednesday, Elbow announced that they would release a collection of B-Sides on an album titled Dead In The Boot. The collection features songs from the early years such as 2000's None One (from the Newborn EP) as well as some more recent songs like 2008's Every Bit The Little Girl (from the One Day Like This EP). Alot of these songs haven't featured on the albums.
To pre-order Dead In The Boot from iTunes, click here.

Queen Announce Hungarian Rhapsody For The Big Screen
Queen's legendary gig at Budapest in 1986 is set to be released in cinemas around the globe. The remastered concert movie, Hungarian Rhapsody, will be released on the silver screen on 20th September.

Thursday 19 July 2012

FILM NEWS - "The Hunger Games" Sequels, "After Earth" Teaser, "Pacific Rim" Costumes, "The Wolverine" Casting and "Oz The Great And Powerful" Trailer

And now all other film news, mostly from Comic-Con. Enjoy...

The Hunger Games Sequels
If you didn't know, because you've had your head stuck in a rock or you've been spending a long time trimming your nasal hair, Comic-Con was last weekend. And it's safe to say, it was pretty mahoosive.
So, The Hunger Games. As we all knew, after the success of the first installment earlier this year, Lionsgate plan to go ahead with the whole series, the next film being Catching Fire (due 22nd November 2013). New cast members include Amanda Plummer (who will play Wiress) and Phillip Seymour Hoffman (who will play Plutarch Heavensbee).
And now onto the next film. The third and final story in the books is Mockingjay. It has been confirmed that, like Harry Potter and Twilight, the last installment will be split into two films.

After Earth Viral Teaser
The upcoming Sci-Fi movie starring Will and Jaden Smith released it's first teaser trailer at Comic-Con. It's certainly intriguing, and makes it a film to look out for.

Pacific Rim Suits
Not much is known about this upcoming Sci-Fi starring Idris Elba. "When an alien attack threatens Earth's existence, giant robots piloted by humans are deployed to fight off the menace". The team behind the film showed off some of the suits they are using in the film at Comic-Con.

New Cast For The Wolverine
The upcoming sequel to the X-Men prequel (confusing right) X-Men Origins: Wolverine has got a new cast member. Jessica Biel will play Viper in the film, who is a variation of the character Madame Hydra from the comics. Biel is also to appear in the remake of Total Recall, which also was previewed at Comic-Con.

Oz The Great And Powerful Trailer
A new prequel to The Wizard of Oz starring James Franco and Mila Kunis released this trailer at Comic-Con.

New Stills From Dredd
Click here to view our gallery for stills released for the upcoming Dredd.

What do you guys think of the new trailers? Let us know in the comments...
Tom :)

FILM NEWS - Superhero News

The Dark Knight Rises Review Round-Up
We are very close now to the release of Christopher Nolan's final Batman film, The Dark Knight Rises. Some lucky reviewers have seen it all ready (*envy*). Overall conclusion? It's pretty insane!
For a full review round-up, visit Den of Geek.
For a collection of stills from the movie, click here.

Marvel Dominates Comic-Con
Let's take it film by film...

This logo was released at Comic-Con. It's a shame that this wasn't given an epic title, but hey, it's good for consistencies sake. It has been confirmed that Ben Kingsley will be playing the main villain in this film, The Mandarin. It is also confirmed that another villain appearing in the  film will be Iron Patriot. This has come as a surprise to alot of people as Iron Patriot is normally associated with Spider-man. In the original Marvel comics, Iron Patriot is another alias of Norman Osborne a.k.a. The Green Goblin. Could this mean the new film The Amazing Spider-Man is to be incorporated into the combined Marvel universe? Because of copyright reasons, we think it's unlikely.

The upcoming Thor film now has a proper name and a release date! The name doesn't really tell us anything about the film, but it sounds cool. Add this to your diaries.

Captain America 2 was also given a name and release date at Comic-Con. Unlike the first film, The Winter Soldier will be set in modern day. This title also tells us who the villain will be in the film, as the Winter Soldier in the comics was none other than James "Bucky" Barnes.

It is confirmed, the other big Marvel film of 2014 will be Guardians of the Galaxy. Most people believe (but it hasn't been confirmed) that the film will exist in the same universe as all the above and will be used to introduce Thanos, the villain who appeared at the end of The Avengers and who is likely to be the main antagonist in The Avengers 2.

And finally, Marvel  surprised us all by announcing that Edgar Wright's Ant-Man has got the green light. No release date has yet been pinned on it, but at least we now know it will definately happen. I'm very excited!

Man Of Steel Poster
At Comic-Con, director Zack Snyder unveiled this poster for upcoming Super-Man reboot Man Of Steel. Snyder also announced that a teaser for the film had been tagged onto the reel for The Dark Knight Rises, which opens this weekend.

Which of these superhero films are you most looking forward to? Mine's Ant-Man! Let us know your thoughts in the comments...
Tom :)

FILM GALLERY - "The Dark Knight Rises" Stills

If you didn't know (and why not?!) Christopher Nolan's epic conclusion to his Batman saga, The Dark Knight Rises, is released this weekend. Here's a selection of stills from the movie to celebrate...

Tom Hardy as villain Bane

Bane vs Batman

Bane vs Batman again

A close-up of Bane's mask

The Dark Knight  on his trusty steed

Christian Bale and Michael Caine's response when Warner Bros. suggest another sequel

Bruce Wayne (Christian Bale) and Selina Kyle (Anne Hathaway)

"You want me to wear that?!"

Director Christopher Nolan on set of TDKR

Nolan again

Levitt tells Oldman that he's actually in a dream within a dream...within a dream...

Morgan Freeman as Lucius Fox

Marion Cotillard as Miranda Tate

Anne Hathaway as Selina Kyle aka Catwoman

The Tumbler reeks havoc on the streets of Gotham
On a scale of 1 to my-head's-about-to-explode, how excited are you for TDKR? Let us know in the comments...
Tom :)

FILM GALLERY - New "Dredd" Stills

Here's the latest stills from upcoming movie Dredd. The film is based on the Judge Dredd comics, which have been adapted into a film before (1995's Judge Dredd). It's looking pretty good, we're very excited!

Karl Urban as the infamous Judge Dredd

Olivia Thirlby as Judge Cassandra Anderson

Lena Headey as Ma-Ma

Who else is looking forward to Dredd? Let us know in the comments...
Tom :)

Tuesday 17 July 2012

TV NEWS - Comic-con Happened!

So Comic-con Happened so we have loads of trailers and news!

Falling Skies
Will have a third series in late 2013. Hang on, why is this the first I have heard about this? It looks really good!!! It is on FX, that is channel 157 and 158 for virgin (SD/HD) and 124, 165 and 188 for sky (HD/+1hour/SD). Tuesdays at 9pm.
The Walking Dead
A series 3 trailer.
The Fringe
Final series trailer
Ok so news from comic-con and the trailer was leaked, although you can't actually see most of it have a look here.
But a poster exists seen here!
They have also said this:
“Uther returns in a very unexpected way and returns in Arthur’s life where he’s missing his father and he needs some advice. In a moment of weakness he is able to contact Uther,” revealed co-creator and executive producer Johnny Capps."
That doesn't sound good!
They also announced that after series 5 they will reboot the franchise with a trilogy of movies! They said:
“One idea we’ve been playing around with is to reboot the whole series,”  “We would go back in time and start the story again and show different parts that you didn’t see in the series. The other idea is to do a continuation, but we haven’t decided yet.”
A sixth series was also still being discussed with the BBC.

Doctor Who
Two more episodes have been named "Dinosaurs on a Spaceship" and "A Town Called Mercy". See the updated episode guide here, For more information! 
Oh and Karren Gillan is doing a horror film called Oculus!

See interview here!

Monday 16 July 2012

MUSIC NEWS - "Barcelona" Special Edition, Green Day Single

You may have noticed that I was away last week, hence why Kieron had written everything, and their was hardly any music news. But I'm back, and boy have I got news for you!

Freddie Mercury's Barcelona Will Be Re-Orchestrated For 25th Anniversary Edition
Island Records have announced that a special edition of Freddie Mercury and Montserrat Caballé's album Barcelona will be released on the 3rd Spetember 2012. Barcelona was the final piece of solo work Mercury completed before he died, and this special version will include an entirely re-orchestrated version of the song that remains to be one of his defining works.
For more on this story, click here.
Follow the links to pre-order this album on CD/Deluxe/Vinyl.

In other Queen news, the smash-hit stage show We Will Rock You is set to do it's first arena tour next year to celebrate the show's 10 years at the Dominion Theatre in London. If you get the opportunity, I would really recommend the show. It is a fantastic tribute to Queen and is also very funny and entertaining.

Green Day's Oh Love Released Today
As of today, the new single Oh Love from the album ¡Uno! is available to download from the official Green Day site. Also, all three albums in the upcoming trilogy ¡Uno!, ¡Dos!, ¡Tré! are now available to pre-order.

Richie Sambora Free Download
For those of you who aren't familiar with the name, Richie Sambora is the lead guitarist in the classic rock band Bon Jovi. On Thursday, we got our first look at his upcoming solo album Aftermath of the Lowdown when the first single, Every Road Leads Home To You, was released. Click here to download it for free. I love it! Sounds like a merging of Bon Jovi and Coldplay. Can't wait for September 18th when the whole album is released!

That's all for this week.
Tom :)

Thursday 12 July 2012

FILM REVIEW - Chronicle (Spoiler-free)

Directed by: Josh Trank
Written by: Max Landis
Starring: Dane DeHaan, Alex Russell, Michael B. Jordan
Release Year: 2012
Genre: Sci-Fi/Thriller/Drama
Certificate: 12A

This is a film about 3 guys who get superpowers, and that is all I'm telling you! Trailer here:
I went into this movie knowing nothing of the story line except what I told you above and watching the trailer. This is a good idea as it changes mood throughout the film. The start went slower then I would have liked and maybe even bored me, but it was only short and was bearable. The film built up drama and anticipation well and had an excellent ending. This was aided by starting with a cheaply shot, "boy-films-himself-and-friends" style to suddenly a massive budget ending.

Now on this idea of "boy-films-himself" theme. This could have been done to make the film cheaper, but I really liked it. When he wasn't the one with a camera it was someone else's camera or a security camera or something. However if you start with this style Mr Director, stick with it and don't put random parts that are just filmed normally. Also there is a part where one of the characters brings a load of phones and tablets and stuff around him which is a bit random and draws away from the atmosphere and then it is still filmed with a really good film camera. Personally I would prefer it if it was from the cameras of the devices.

When the film finished I was left really wanting to know what happened after! There could easily be a good sequel of this as there are still unanswered questions.


Kieron :O

FILM NEWS - Action & Super hero & More News

Super Hero News!
The Dark Night Rises
You can listen to the full score to The Dark Night Rises by Hans Zimmer here! However some thing listening to this may spoil the film. All spoilers have been removed from the track names! A synopsis has also been revieled, this may contain minor spoilers. See it here:

"It has been eight years since Batman vanished into the night, turning, in that instant, from hero to fugitive. Assuming the blame for the death of DA Harvey Dent, the Dark Knight sacrificed everything for what he and Commissioner Gordon both hoped was the greater good. For a time the lie worked, as criminal activity in Gotham City was crushed under the weight of the anti-crime Dent Act. But everything will change with the arrival of a cunning cat burglar with a mysterious agenda. Far more dangerous, however, is the emergence of Bane, a masked terrorist whose ruthless plans for Gotham drive Bruce out of his self-imposed exile. But even if he dons the cape and cowl again, Batman may be no match for Bane."

There is a new trailer seen bellow!

Christopher Nolan has said that The Dark Knight Rises will be it for him working with batman so i guess that means he isn't making the Justice league.

Writer Alex Garland has plans for a possible Dredd 2 and Dredd 3. He said at comic-con:
“In the sequel. Which we can make as long as the film grosses over $50 million in the States. It might be tough – this is an 18, an R rating. The first time I sat down to do the script I did 16 drafts of Death. It didn’t feel right. We needed to set it all up first. The next version was all sort of the Long Walk and America, but we needed to get to know Dredd and everyone first. The trilogy would be this film, then Origins and then the Dark Judges".

Fantastic 4
The Director of Chronicle, Josh Tarnk, is confirmed for The reboot of The Fantastic Four. Which is good because I really liked Chronicle.

The Wolverine
Hugh Jackman is returning to play The Wolverine. The Wolverine will not be a follow-on from the not-very-popular X-Men Origins: Wolverine. Instead, this is going to be more of a standalone adventure, loosely based around the Japan saga by Frank Miller and Chris Claremont. Hiroyuki Sanada, from Lost and Rush Hour 3, will be playing Shingen. Then Hal Yamanouchi, from The Life Aquatic, amongst many other movies, will be Yashida in the movie. Brian Tee from Grimm is set to play a corrupt minister by the name of Noburo Mori. And then Will Yun Lee will be the villain. He's playing Kenuichio Harada, who will be in Silver Samurai guise probably.
Amazing Spiderman
The new reboot is set to be at least a trilogy. However is is uncertain who will be the directors for the other films.

Iron Man 3
Concept art has been revealed for the new film which has just started filming! The film will be based on Warren Ellis' Iron Man: Extremis. It will have Guy Pearce and Rebecca Hall as virus-developing scientists, with Ben Kingsley as The Mandarin. (no not the fruit)

Guardians Of The Galaxy
Ok update from last week! The characters are probably Adam Warlock, a genetically engineered artificial human with super-powers. Drax the Destroyer, a human spirit inhabiting an artificial alien body created to hunt and kill Thanos. Gamora, a super-strong alien and the adopted daughter of Thanos. Phyla-Vell (aka Quasar), the daughter of Mar-Vell, the original Captain Marvel. Rocket Raccoon, an intelligent anthropomorphic alien raccoon who captains his own starship. Groot, an extra-terrestrial plant-man. Moondragon, a telepathic/telekinetic human raised by Thanos' father, Mentor who is the daughter of Drax's human incarnation. And finally, Bug, an insectoid superhero from the microverse. And Thanos is the evil guy who looks like that guy to the right, remind you of anyone? (Avengers end credits) 

Action Stuff News!
The Man With Iron Fists
Rza's upcoming martial arts movie The Man With the Iron Fists has the Wu-Tang man writing (with Eli Roth), directing and starring in the film.

Assassins creed Movie
Michael fassbender will star in and co-produce the movie. This movie is looking to be good as Ubisoft are funding it so no one screws around with their story lines.

After Earth
First synopsis relieved for Will Smiths next movie coming next June:
“In After Earth, one thousand years after cataclysmic events forced humanity’s escape from Earth, Nova Prime has become mankind’s new home. Legendary General Cypher Raige (played by Will Smith) returns from an extended tour of duty to his estranged family, ready to be a father to his 13-year-old son, Kitai (played by Jaden Smith). When an asteroid storm damages Cypher and Kitai’s craft, they crash-land on a now unfamiliar and dangerous Earth. As his father lies dying in the cockpit, Kitai must trek across the hostile terrain to recover their rescue beacon. His whole life, Kitai has wanted nothing more than to be a soldier like his father. Today, he gets his chance.”
It is directed by M Night Shayalan's who did The Last Airbender which I liked!

The Hunger Games
It has been revealed that the after second film Catching Fire is released in November next year. The Third book Mockingjay will follow the example of Happy Potter and Twilight and will be split into two films despite the book only being 448 pages long! This will mean the last film will come out in November 2015!

Ghostbusters 3
The script is being rewritten by Etan Cohen who wrote Tropic Thunder and Managascar: Escape 2 Africa!

New Trailers
There is lots new this week and they all look really good!

The Dark Night Rises #5 (you can watch some behind the scenes and interviews here)
Release date: 20 July (UK)

Rise Of The Guardians #2 (See the first trailer here, there is almost no repeated footage)

Release date: 30 November (UK)

Robot & Frank

Release date: n/a (24 August USA)

Gangster Squad

Cast includes Sean Penn, Ryan Goslin, Josh Brolin, Nick Nolte and Emma Stone 
Directed by Zombieland's Ruben Fleischer

Release date: November 9th (UK)

Taken 2 #2 (see the first trailer here, it is better)
Release date: October 5th (UK)

Jack Reacher
Based on the book One Shot. Cast includes Tom Cruise. Directed by Christopher McQuarrie.
Release date: December 28th (UK)

Total Recall #2 (see the first trailer here)
Release date: August 29th (UK)