Tom's List
No offence Steven Moffat, but since the takeover in 2010, Doctor Who just hasn't had the same feel it had following the 2005 re-boot. The traditional format has been messed around too much (this message also goes to the makers of the new James Bond movies). There's no denying that Moffat can write fantastic Who scripts - The Empty Child was the best episode in Series 1 - but he just hasn't recently. For a good celebratory episode next year, it needs to be at least co-written by Davies.
2. 2005 Daleks
Not the new corny Teletubby ones that look like free-bees out of a cereal packet. The really cool ones from the re-boot, the worn, "used-future" look. The slightly shorter ones that looked like they'd been pulled out of a chimney. The ones who had the supreme brains to create their own pig slaves and nearly re-create their entire race, not the new ones who got fooled by a jammy dodger. You get my drift.
The Master is definately the best baddie we've had since 2005. John Simm pitched this part perfectly. And for some reason, he's only appeared in four episodes over the last six series' and the Daleks and Cybermen have been in...alot. This is the most important on the list, WE WANT THE MASTER!
Kieron's List
4. The Repeat
Cause a paradox where dinosaurs weren't made extinct and evolved to become the most intelegent species on earth meaning that humans never existed. However time rewrites itself meaning his companion fades into a more lizard like appearance. The new most intelligent species in the present day is much more advanced. Doctors companion doesn't know any different and the doctor has to convince her to help him write the problem. Or it could be that Silurians are these people.
6. TARDIS Damage
The TARDIS is damaged so it slows down and speeds up time randomly but not to the doctor or his companion. Shush this is the best picture I could find for slowing down time!
Tom & Kieron
An Avengers like dream team with the best BBC characters: Sherlock, Hal, Tom and Alex, Gene Hunt and of course The Doctor. With Mycroft as the Nick Fury guy. Maybe The Doctor gets Gene from the past and he can see Alex because he has died loads!
And that's it for another week here at Crash Hub. Next week we will of course have all the usual. Also, over the weekend, we will be uploading episode guides of Primeval Series 5, Doctor Who Series 7 and Sherlock Series 3.
Tom :) and Kieron :O
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