Monday 18 June 2012

MUSIC NEWS - Bieber Wins Award, While Green Day Make A Genuine Contribution To Music

I really have struggled to find any music news for this week, so I have got one important story for you, and have suffered in writing the other. See if you can guess which is which...

Bieber Wins Award For Over 100 Million Hits
Yeah, you read that right. Justin Bieber was given a "#VEVOCertified" award for getting over 100 Million hits across eight videos on Youtube. He wouldn't have this award if the total number of dislikes was taken away from the number of hits. Anyway, it's not a real award, it's got a hashtag in the title. If you really want to waste 2 minutes of your life watching some fans present him with the award, it's below.

Green Day Releases Album Trailer and Artwork
This year seems like the year for the big names of alternative music when it comes to new albums. Last week brought news of Muse's The 2nd Law and Killers' Battle Born. Now for the first of the upcoming Green Day trilogy!
So yeah, Green Day on Friday released this trailer for their upcoming album İUno! with a shot of the album art at the end. İUno! will be the first in a trilogy of albums: İUno!İDos! and İTres!. The music sounds great, and I'm really looking forward to the 25th September.

Happy Birthday!
Also, a massive shout out from Crash Hub to Sir Paul McCartney whose birthday is today. Many happy returns!

Tom :)

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