Tuesday 26 June 2012

TV NEWS - Doctor Who News...and Not Much Else

Doctor Who Returning Character and Episode Title
According to the Evening Standard, Madame Vastra (who first appeared  in the Who episode A Good Man Goes To War) will be returning for the latter half of the upcoming series. It is also reported that Vastra, who is Silurian and lesbian, will fall for the new companion. For more on this, click here.

Also in the Whoniverse, the first episode has finally got it's title. The episode, which will feature every type of Dalek ever (apparently) will be called Asylum of the Daleks. As much as this news does excite us, it still tells us absolutely nothing! For more on this story, click here. For our updated episode guide of the upcoming series, click here.

And One More Thing...
And since there's such a lack of news, I thought I'd share this picture I found on Facebook. Made me giggle.

There's this weeks TV news. Let us know your thoughts in the comments, especially on the return of Madame Vastra.
Tom :)

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