Monday 11 June 2012

MUSIC REVIEW - Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 Soundtrack

Composer: Alexandre Desplat
Genre: Soundtrack
Release Year: 2010
Label: Sony Music Classical

As the final Harry Potter films loomed ever closer, speculation started to circulate that Mr. Movie-music-magic himself - John Williams - would return to score the final two installments as he did the first three.

The rumours were wrong. Sad face.

But instead we got another masterful maestro with more feathers in his cap than Robin Hood in a pillow fight. Alexandre Desplat brought new depth and darkness to the series that really made the final films special. His music hinted at his predecessors', but he also added his own curiosity and shadow.

The album follows the order of the film, opening with the tear-jerker, Obliviate, taken from the opening scene when Hermione wipes her parents memories. For me, this is the best track on the album and one of the most expressive and lyrical in the whole film series.

This track is then immediately countered by the sadistic pomp of Snape to Malfoy Manor, a sinister march that perfectly mirrors the Death Eaters. Although the theme is short-lived here, it appears a number of times throughout this film and the next.

The soundtrack continues in the same ambitious and brilliant way, ranging from the chaotic horror of The Locket to the heart-renching simplicity of Harry and Ginny and Farewell to Dobby.

In this penultimate film of the successful franchise, Alexandre Desplat has delivered the best Potter soundtrack to date. It echoes the dark tone of the film perfectly in Desplat's own unique way, but also harks back to the original glory days of John Williams, especially with a few well placed references to Hedwig's Theme. Pure brilliance and class.


Buy the soundtrack to Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 at Click here.

And that's your music fill, and everything from Crash Hub for today. Tommorow, it's me again with TV news and a review of the first series of Torchwood.
Tom :)

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