Thursday 21 June 2012

FILM REVIEW - Avengers Assemble (Spoiler-free)

Directed by: Joss Whedon
Written by:  Joss Whedon
Starring: Robert Downey Jr, Chris Evans, Mark Ruffalo, Chris Hemsworth, Scarlett Johansson, Jeremy Renner, Tom Hiddleston
Release Year: 2012
Genre: Action
Certificate: 12A

What do you get when you give a 12 year old boy a litre of coke and 50 blue smarties, then tell him to write a list of everything he wants in a film? The answer is Avengers Assembled. There is more explosions then a popcorn machine on overdrive. And yes this is a good thing. And when there isn't any explosions there is sexy fighting from black widow or a massive green hulk smashing everything to pieces.

The film also has some memorable and funny quotes and scenes and it is hard to choose my favorite. It is well directed and written throughout and I never felt like there was a bad line or moment.

The story line is alright, but then with a film like this a lot of action sequences would suffer with an in depth story line so this was not needed. Some things that bothered me in the film was how powerful Iron man, The Hulk and especially Thor are compared to the rest of the gang. I mean, what can Captain America do, really? He is a slightly stronger then a strong human and his shield would be better off in say Thor's other hand. Obviously paint it so it looks less like a giant lolly pop then we can kill off Captain America. 

Another slight moan is that although Hulk did look really good in this movie there was still a couple of moments where he looked unnatural (well apart from being a giant green man, you get what I mean though right).

I would defiantly recommend this film and I might even be one of the people who goes back and watches the re-release with an extra 30 minutes (if it is released), because it is that good. 


Kieron :O

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