Monday 11 June 2012

SINGLES CHART - Week Ending 10th June

I'm not a big commercial fan, but I will post this and the album charts each week and let you know my thoughts.

1. Gary Barlow and the Commonwealth Band - Sing
Not a bad song to celebrate the Diamond Jubilee. Has to be said though, the artwork to me feels like a rip-off of the artwork that accompanied Muse's 2009 album "The Resistance" and it's singles. This is it's second week in the charts, and is up 10 from last week to be number 1.

2. Flo Rida - Whistle
Don't like this song. It's boring. First week in the charts.

3. fun. - We Are Young (feat. Janelle Monae)
Not too bad, quite catchy, although I'm not a fan of time changes in the middle of songs.

4. Rudimental - Feel The Love (feat. John Newham)
Meh, too much computer synths etc. Don't like it. Has been in the charts two weeks, down 3.

5. Usher - Scream
Ditto. New this week.

6. DJ Fresh - The Power (feat. Dizzy Rascal)
Ditto. New this week.

7. Carly Rae Johnson - Call Me Maybe
Avoid at all costs, although I know Kieron is a big fan. Each to their own I guess. Been in the charts 11 weeks (11?! who's buying this rubbish!), down 2.

8. Coldplay & Rihanna - Princess of China
Not bad, really cool music video though. Tenth week, up 5.

9. Rihanna - Where Have You Been?
To answer the question, anywhere that isn't within hearing distance of this song. Tenth week, down 3.

10. Alex Clare - Too Close
And we end, finally, on a good song. Clare has a great, unique voice and this song is very catchy. Love it. Ninth week, down 3.

Tom :)

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