Wednesday 6 June 2012

GAME NEWS - E3 Days 1&2

E3 has begun! So here is a run down of all the latest news from the first 2 days of the biggest electronic entertainment expo, in LA!!! Okay so sorry there is sooo much happening if you want to see EVERYTHING go here:
G4 Day One Wrap Up
G4 Day Two Wrap Up

Okay so I'm going to talk about the stuff that interests me the most:
I would say Ubisoft is stealing the show with their games, the best being:
Assassins Creed 3:
This is the third setting and of what I think is possibly the best collection of games ever. A new trailer and gameplay footage was released and it looks as if  it is set to be the best game of the trilogy. Also announced is a PS Vita spin off called Assassins Creed Liberation with a female assassin from New Orleans which is good except no one has a PS Vita because everything is a massive rip off on it. Click here for trailer and here for demo.
Far Cry 3:
A first person adventure shooter game set on an island with an amazing and engaging story line. Looks epic as well with a really nice setting and game play. All the trailers for this game really get the heart pumping. Click here for Trailer and Demo.
Splinter Cell: Blacklist:
As far as I can see this is just a modern day assassins creed which from my point of view is really good idea and looks super fab. I especially like the stealth theme and the array of gadgets and gizmos he has. I like the slow motion shooting thing. Trailer and Demo.
Watch Dogs:
Some people say this is the best game that is going to be shown at E3. You are an assassin hacker dude, who has the power to listen to peoples phones and basically everything. In the demo he scrambles phones to distract guards, changes traffic lights to cause a large car crash then escapes by driving over a bridge he makes rise behind him. This also has cool slow motion shooting. This only has a Demo.

Naughty Dog
The Last of Us E3 The Last of Us E3 gameplay trailer revealedA company I really like however only ever does trilogies, they are responsible for some of my favourite games, now they are bringing out a new franchise:
The Last Of Us:
Again another beautiful game from naughty dog. The game is set in the future where everyone has died and they are the last people alive and and it seems every one wants to kill them. The game adds reality by adding a need for supply and no health regeneration. It looks really good. watch the demo.

Square Enix
The creators of OK games. However their new game looks to be better and hopefully able to compete with the other companies.
Hitman Absolution:
The game is about agent 47 and is a third person shooter. However weirdly from the trailer the people he seems to be shooting are really sexy assassin nuns, which makes no sense. Game play and the trailer looks really nice though. Watch the trailer here.

Beyond: Two Souls
This is more just an action thriller movie that you interact with however you do get to control the characters which is cool. So as you can expect it looks really nice. It stars Oscar nominee Ellen Page voice acting and character modelling. Click here for trailer.

And that is what I'm most interested in other nice announcements are Crysis 3, A new Star Wars game that looks better, Halo 4 ( but I don't have an X-Box) :(, fifa 13 ,playstation all stars battle royal, God of War Ascension, Dead Space 3, Pikman 3 (really good for wii), Super Mario Bros. U, Nintendo land and so much more.

In new platform news: Sony has a new thing called wonder book, combined wit augmented reality it makes story's come to life, an example of this is a new harry potter game that has various spells in it or something. Nintendo has a its new WiiU its game pad looks really nice and has many good things that it can do to add to games like nothing has before, they also announced a pro controller for cross platform games and they also announced the miiverse a social networking while playing any Nintendo console and phones. They are trying to get a wider range of people with these new fetaures with more hard core gamers to play games such as Batman Arkham City: Armoured edition to fitness games that can connect with fitness meters. Other epic games for this include: Lego City undercover ( described a GTA in lego form) and ZombiU which makes excellent use of the Game pad and Just Dance 4.

I haven't even touched on the 3DS and lots of other stuff and E3 hasn't even finished yet!
Kieron :O

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