Friday 1 June 2012

THE CRUNCH - Windows 8 Preview

The Crunch is thing that we do on Fridays where we talk about stuff that is interesting but doesn't fit the pattern:
Windows 8 is the next operating system made by windows even though it is the 10th they have made!!! "So why is it called Windows 8?" I hear you ask. Well this is because some of them were so terrible they would just prefer they never existed. And yes worst then Vista, they included that one! So hopefully Windows 8 will be good although first impressions are "urg horrible rectangles" and "that is a really dull logo" (see above). So yeah, it is a big change and in my view the colour scheme and graphics look horrible, it is what would be made by a GCSE IT (of which I sat an exam today, it went well, thanks for asking) student, blindfolded. However it does work practically, Windows 8 will boot up faster then you can say, "Why is there no start button?". Yes that fast, I mean no loading at all, none, from no power.

Its insane.

Also once on the desktop it looks the same as Windows 7 except with some really cool new features in the documents and task manager.

Now it is designed mainly for a tablet so the apps on the main blocky start menu don't work that well on the desktop but all the features and design look perfect for a tablet, really easy and simple to use. I mentioned that there is no start button, that is because the blocky thing is the start menu and I personally like the layout and I think the blocks and the colours I will begin to like, probably it is just change I don't like. It has some nice features such as uninstalling an application straight from the menu, no need to go through control panel.

So word is it will be releasing sometime in October this year and I kinda like it, hopefully it wont end up with the same jokes that vista got ("We're going to die" for example from Moss in the IT crowd for example). In the mean time you can download this preview or watch their release video at this link:

So that was today's "Crunch", tell us what you think in the comments.
And check back on Monday when Tom will be giving you the latest news in the world of music.

Kieron :O 

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