Thursday 14 June 2012

FILM REVIEW - Prometheus (Spoiler-free)

Directed by: Ridley Scott
Written by: Jon Spaihts, Damon Lindelof
Starring: Noomi Rapace, Michael Fassbender, Guy Pearce, Idris Elba, Logan Marshall-Green, Charlize Theron
Release Year: 2012
Genre: Sci-Fi/Horror
Certificate: 15

When Ridley Scott announced that he planned to return to the world of Sci-Fi to create a prequel to his masterpiece Alien, naturally, everyone got very excited. And why wouldn't you? Alien defined science fiction/horror movies, and is regarded as a classic. Also, the Alien franchise needed redeeming after the terrible Alien vs Predator films.

Prometheus tells the story of a group of humans going to a distant planet to make contact with an alien race that may have created mankind. Unfortunately, the aliens turn out to be a little hostile...

Unsurprisingly, I went into Prometheus expecting a terrifying, gore-filled blood-bath. Surprisingly, Scott has offered us an intelligent, philosophical thriller with only hints of the expected horror-fest. If you want a "people-run-round-spaceship-and-get-killed-in-horrific-ways" film, you are much better off just watching Alien again. Only two deaths are particularly bad, and even they are nothing compared to John Hurt's stomach bug.

I don't see this as a bad thing though. Yes you kinda miss the mindless gut-ripping to begin with, but it is soon forgotten as you submerge yourself in the new, complex plot.

The acting on the whole is superb. Noomi Rapace more than fills the gap that is left for her by Signourney Weaver. It's worth mentioning that Elizabeth Shaw is nothing like Ripley of the original films and Rapace makes the new lead role her own and makes the whole film feel a bit more human. The other actor to take note of is Michael Fassbender as creepy android David. Fassbender's performance is flawless, and will leave you guessing right up until the end.

To begin with, the writing is as good as the acting. The film carries at a steady pace and Damon Lindelof's script moves from moments of high tension to moments of comedy quickly and with ease. There's a particularly quirky scene between Idris Elba's Yannick and Charlize Theron's Vickers that I found very funny. I won't spoil it for you though.

About half way through though, the writing becomes a bit clunky. The story starts to become predictable, and some of the "twists" are just annoying. The amount of unnecessary gore also increases. I'm not saying I'm squeamish, but there is on scene in particular that just seems over the top and verges on comedic. You should recognise the bit I'm talking about, but this review is spoiler-free.

Overall, I did enjoy the film, despite the poorly written second half. It's cinematic, very well acted and, above all, entertaining. Definately a fun way to pass two hours.


If you've seen Prometheus, let us know your thoughts in the comments.
Tom :)

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