Monday 25 June 2012

MUSIC NEWS - The Fratellis Reunite, Labrinth and Noel Gallagher New Singles, Green Day Album Trailer and Isle Of Wight Festival

Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds New Single
Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds are set to release their new single Everybody's On The Run on August 6th. The song is the epic rock-orchestral opener from last year's album Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds.

Green Day ¡Dos! Album Trailer
On Friday, Green Day released the trailer and album art for the second album ¡Dos! from their upcoming trilogy. ¡Dos! will be released on the 13th November, following ¡Uno! which will be released on the 25th September.
For more information on the first album in the trilogy, ¡Uno!, click here.

Isle Of Wight Festival
With no Glastonbury to contend with, Isle Of Wight was big this year. My favourite acts were Elbow and Bruce Springsteen. For highlights of the weekend, click here.

Labrinth Announces New Single
Labrinth announced that Treatment from his debut album Electronic Earth would be his new single. The music video has been filmed and will be on the web very soon (so will probably feature in next weeks news).  Labrinth also appeared in BBC's Project Hackney documentary alongside Plan B and Leona Lewis.

The Fratellis Reunited
This story is actually a bit old now, but it's all news to me. The Fratellis were a cheeky rock band who were most famous for their album Costello Music which the famous track Chelsea Dagger came from. The band reformed for a charity gig earlier this month, and they will be doing more gigs, dates for which are gradually being released. Yesterday, the band announced a gig in Glasgow on the 26th September.
For more on this story, click here.

Happy Birthday!
Best wishes to guitarist Jeff Beck who turned 68 yesterday.

And that's all for this week. Let us know what you think, especially your favourite acts at IoW, in the comments.
Tom :)

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