Thursday 21 June 2012

FILM NEWS - Snow Crash, Brave, Spidey, Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter, Maleficent and The Watch

Hello again, it's Thursday, and we bring you movie news.

Joe Cornish For Snow Crash
For those of you who aren't familiar with the name Joe Cornish, he made his directing debut last year in Sci-Fi/Comedy hit Attack the Block. I'll admit, I am yet to see the film, but I have only heard good things and as soon as I have watched, a review will be heading your way.
Anyways, the news is that Cornish will be directing upcoming Paramount film Snow Crash. The film will be based on the Neal Stephenson book of the same title, which was released in 1992. Paramount attempted to make a film of the book when it was first released, but it never happened. For those who aren't familiar with the book (and that's me included), here's a synopsis from amazon:
From the opening line of his breakthrough cyberpunk novel Snow Crash, Neal Stephenson plunges the reader into a not-too-distant future. It is a world where the Mafia controls pizza delivery, the United States exists as a patchwork of corporate-franchise city states, and the Internet - incarnate as the Metaverse - looks something like last year's would lead you to believe it should. Enter Hiro Protagonist - hacker, samurai swordsman and pizza-delivery driver. When his best friend fried his brain on a new designer drug called Snow Crash and his beautiful, brainy ex-girlfriend asks for his help, what's a guy with a name like that to do? He rushes to the rescue. A breakneck-paced 21st-century novel, Snow Crash interweaves everything from Sumerian myth to visions of a postmodern civilisation on the brink of collapse. Faster than the speed of television and a whole lot more fun, Snow Crash is the portrayal of a future that is bizarre enough to be plausible.
I can't wait!
For more on this story, click here.

Exclusive Look At Pixar's Brave
This film looks alright, and hopefully it will be able to renew the magic that we know Pixar is capable of. A new preview clip was released on Thursday. To watch it, click here.

Preview Clip From The Amazing Spider-Man
You may have noticed, me and Kieron are getting a little bit excited about this film. Mainly because it looks awesome!!!
In the original comics, Spidey is renowned for his smooth, sarcastic wit. And it seems the guys behind the upcoming film have really grasped that in this new preview clip which was released on Sunday. Brilliantly written and very funny acting from Andrew Garfield. Check it out below:
Also, loving the music from James Horner.

Abraham Lincoln: Publicity Stunt
Cast and crew of the upcoming movie Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter flew out to USS Abraham Lincoln ship as it patrolled Middle Eastern waters for a special screening of the film for the sailors. Actor Benjamin Walker, who plays America's 16th President in the film, even showed up in full costume, including fake beard.
For more on this story, click here.

First Look At Disney's Maleficent
This week, filming officially started on Disney's upcoming live-action fantasy film Maleficent. The film is an origin story about the title character, who is the villain in the animated classic Sleeping Beauty. Angelina Jolie is in the lead role, and Disney released this photo of her to publicise the start of production.
The film is due for release in the US on the 14th March 2014.

The Watch New Trailer
This upcoming comedy shows a lot of promise to be the big comedy  of the summer. But can it take the top spot from Men In Black 3?

Lots of news this week, and that's your fill. Which of these upcoming films are you most looking forward to? Let us know in the comments...
Tom :)

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